newly diagnosed

1 minute read time.
hi. i must admit im using this site as therapy for myself. i never want to forget any detail of this experience. had biopsy results on monday -breast cancer with traces of cancer found under armpit. husband with me, just as well cause i didnt take much in. macmillan nurse very good and explained a lot after doctor left room. explained that i had a lot of pain in back for approx 5 months so they rushed through CT for Tuesday. The hours after scan till results on wednesday is a time i cannot put into words, I was terrified. I really thought if I get bad news would i be able to cope. I could possibly manage if i had one site, but if more!!!!!!!! i have elderly parents how would they cope, the children, i wouldnt be able to give them hope if i thought the worst. -THANK GOD it came back as only one site. i came out of meeting positive and so happy ; chemo here i come, surgery date not in near future, appointment sorted for wig and oncology department. THE APPOINTMENT AT THE BREAST CLINIC WAS LIFE CHANGING, HOW I HAD MY HEAD IN THE SAND TO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WERE GOING THROUGH. I HAVE HAD FAMILY MEMBERS AFFECTED BUT TO ACTUALLY BE THE PATIENT I SHALL NEVER SEE THINGS THE SAME AGAIN.
  • FormerMember

    this cancer lark i agree is a life changing experience i lost 2 family members to cancer then got it myself

    wow you could hav knocked me down with a feather

    but  after being on this site i think i am finally getting my head around it

    the support is amazing  2nd to none

    take care xx

  • FormerMember


    I am glad you got on this site!!  We all know the exact same feelings of what you are feeling now..  It is something that many people dont even understand..  I just want you to know if you ever need to talk I am here and so are many others on this site..  This is a great place to come to bitch, cry, laugh, or do whatever you want to.  The people on this site truly care about everyone here!!  Welcome and god bless!!!



  • FormerMember

    but some of those changes do turn out to be quite positive in a strange way. I found myself much stronger than I ever imagined I would be. And those changes have to be celebrated. This is  a wonderful site to use lots of advice, support, laughter and yes there are tears as well. Remember we are all here to help one another and nothing no comment, no question  is ever too trivial .

    Take care



  • FormerMember

    sorry you have cancer but glad you found this site.    support and friendship are to be found in abundance here.    good luck with your treatments x x

  • FormerMember

    sorry you have cancer but glad you found this site.    support and friendship are to be found in abundance here.    good luck with your treatments x x