pallative care, what does it mean exactly pls

  • mei


    hi there everyone,  was wondering if anyone has heard from mei on here, i always followed her blogs and enjoyed  reading about her as she was so full of stregnth and vitality. i also liked listening to her music on youtube,

    hope things are good for her and everyone else , keep up the good work of cheering each of us up x

  • pallative care, what does it mean exactly pls


    hi all. hope you can help me, my lovely best friend has a rare sarcome cancer in her stomach and we have now found out it hasnt responded to chemo, it has grown.

    it has grown rapidly over 2 months so the chemo has been stopped, she's on  2 hourly morphine and cannot face eating, extremely tired, on oxygen but trying to be chatty when we visit.

    i got to the hospital today and her daughters were saying someone had…