Carrying cancer.

Less than one minute read time.

I was going to say that I have suffered cancer, but I haven't. I've put up with it, which is hardly the same. I've known it was there, have seen its picture, seen the way my stomach changed position when a third of my lung was removed and my diaphram moved up to fill the new gap. That all just gave me chronic wind till it settled down. I can see the scars of course, and very clever they are too. The lung exercise went in via a cut up under my right arm and the lung removal was via a similar cut under my left arm, in both cases there was minimal hospital time. There was of course 'getting over' time which varied. I am very run down as a result of not getting the air I need. I quickly become breathless then useless. Fortunately I read a lot, but I now have to get 'A man' in to do trivial things I would do just in passing. I'm sure you will know the 'Man, he appears to listen, then does his own version, I am on my fith 'Man'.  Ha!
