
1 minute read time.

Why don't they tell you about the effects your left with after having cancer and its treatment?

Its bad enough being told "You have cancer"

Then you get sicker from having chemo. During chemo my veins in one arm corded and collapsed. "Oh great" something else to contend with. Then I get my picc line in, great I thought give my veins a rest they will soon be better. "WRONG"

Have Herceptin finished all my treatment May 2014. Yay I hear you say oh how I wish it was that simple.

I'm now left with scarring on my lung from radiotherapy and tremendous pain in my arm caused by the corded and collapsed veins,they affect my hand too. My fingers swell up and go weak.

The pain is sometimes that bad it makes me feel sick.

I used to give blood freely now its like getting blood from a stone, I never used to mind needles now I dread them as I know how much it hurts being prodded until they find a vein that will give blood.

The amount of times they have gone to try the other arm to get blood only for me to tell them they can't use it proves to me that files don't get read.

Yet when I tell them they can't use it due to risk of lymphodema they start getting snotty with me so in the end I tell them to try the other arm only to get "Oh I better go and ask the doctor"

Jeez sometimes I just want to give up.. Get away from the pain.

I suffer pain 24/7 now I have this on top of everything else.

Sometimes I wonder why I don't just give up???????????
