not blogged for a bit

1 minute read time.

hey everyone,

well ive not been on for a bit so just wanted to update, got some good news yesterday, mums 6 monthly check up scan was all clear! thats two in a row now go mum!!! she had bowel cancer twice and then it spread to her liver, but she is doing so well, she is my inspiration on this tough road, i had my 5th chemo on wednesday, one more to go! cant wait to get it over, so far touch wood (been doing alot of that lately) this chemo is not as severe as my first one which made me terribly sick, just hot flushes, heavy tummy, constipation, the usual suspects, but so far no sickness, that i hate more than anything else. so just resting lots and watching dvds. gonna go out for a walk to the shop later, not far but i reckon it will do me good, took me a week to get out after the last one, but the nurse said that would have been the cross over between the two chemos, so heres to that little glimmer of light at the end of this very dark tunnel, still a long way to go but im heading in the right direction! and i have had the most amazing support. so thank you to everyone who has been there for me that includes the people on here, all your comments and replies mean so much but especially my amazing girlfriend, you are my strength andi  love you now and always xxxx
