moving house....

1 minute read time.

hey everyone,

well im all packed up and ready to move house, just sitting amongst boxes and bags now, my lovely flat reduced to bin bags and cardboard, but i am actually excited about my move, im moving into a house share with a friend to save on bills etc. moving from a flat into a huge georgian style house, a new beginning even though i have just started my chemo it feels like a positive move, i will be in before my second dose next week and so far touch wood it has been stress free but i do think some of that is down to the fact that ive been through so much since july when i was diagnosed that nothing stresses me like that now anyway, nothing can compare to the stress of waiting for numerous scans and x rays to see if the cancer has spread anywhere else, im sure lots of you know that feeling all too well, ive never experienced anything like it in my life the terror and overwhelming feeling of fear that grips you. so moving house pfffff bring it on!!! anyway just wanted to share as i may not be on for a while due to the move. hope everyone is well. and something that i read on here really struck a chord, drew whom i know plenty of you know said

" good day, bad day, as long as its not NO day!"

thank you for that drew i will keep that with me.

best wishes to all


