a walk along the prom...

1 minute read time.

hey everyone,

woke this morning feeling very lethargic, looked outside and it is a beautiful sunny day here in blackpool so i forced myself to get dressed, went for a walk along the prom down by the pleasure beach, what a lovely walk it was, a few people out doing the same, im so glad i went the sea was so calm and i stood looking out across the beach for a while watching people doing normal things like walking dogs and going for a walk, it brings evrything back into focus, im on my 3rd week now chemo again next week but im going to make the most of the days i can still go out, you take these days for granted when you are well. i will be able to keep today in my head on the days next week when im in bed for a couple of days. also looks like i will be moving this week so there is something else to focus on new home new start, bring on the chemo and like someone said if its making you feel this bad imagine what its doing to the cancer!!! best wishes to everyone on this beautiful sunny day!




  • FormerMember

    hey everyone,

    thank you all for your comments,

    its nice to share these things with people

    makes me feel that im not alone, as everyone is at work and im off sometimes it gets a bit lonely.

    hope you all are well.

    love sam


  • Hi Sam

    Glad you enjoyed your stroll. Would love a walk along the beach but nearest beach to me is Weston Super Mare!!!!!!!!

    I had mastectomy with lymph node removal. Had 20 removed and 19 had cancerous cells. Had chemo and RT and now on Arimidex.

    Having reconstruction in the New Year so will be better than new then.

    Good luck with the chemo. I felt quite well on the third week so got out and about when I could.

    Sue x xxx

  • FormerMember

    I love walking by the sea

    Good luck with your chemo and your move
