Finished treatment

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The treatments finished apart from some reconstruction and am going through hormone therapy. thought all the boxes were ticked and life would start. always saw my glass full if not overflowing. the last two weeks there are dregs in the bottom . usually like lots of people and company . now prefer to hide away or just walk with my dog. clam up and put my mask on . will ever get back to normal.

  • I think you have to truly believe this nightmare is over to move on.. You sound so positive in your profile.. Read it and remind yourself you are not going to let this thing beat you! I love walking my dog in the quiet of the day.. It is therapy.. You need to do whatever you need to get you back.. Are the hormones affecting your mood? I know even the pill affects me.. I am going into early menopaus due to treatment so will be curios as to how the hormones will affect.. I think with everything your family have experienced and you yourself you sound like you are on the right track to positivity., give yourself a break., and don't feel alone as we are all on here to help each other without invasion to get through the empty glass day's.. Much love and Hug's Nikki xx
  • FormerMember

    I will try Niki. it is  quarter past one in the morning  and the house is quiet, just me and Domino my dog up . one more hot flush and my joints are aching, I  think this is the time when everything gets on top of us . I even doubt myself  on this blopg. I never had self doubt before.I  just guessed  I would tick all the boxes and carry on where I left off. I am due my Zoladox injection on wed and wonder if my hormones go haywire when the blocking effect runs low. will take note and see if dip in another four weeks. its our wedding anniversary today  30 years . even push Den away at present . I sometimes want to run away and stick my head in the sand but love my family too much. yes am rambling. night god bless , thank you for listening 


  • FormerMember

    Hi, I managed to get on by clicking on the other comments... if you put a title for the blog entry it gives something to click on to reply.

    Anyway, i hope this morning sees you feeling a little less upset. Night time is always when the demons come and I have spent nights worrying and upset to find them burned away with the morning sun...

    After treatment is the hardest time. That's when I joined Mac I coped really well throughout treatment, positive etc and then crumbled, lost all my confidence and felt really low. It took time but it does get better. I got an early menopause from my treatment and I am sure that didn't help either, but to be honest cancer is the biggest head messer going and if you think about it, its not surprising we feel a bit knocked sideways eh? I think I would be more worried if you didn't!

    Take your time, talk to others on here, perhaps get some counselling or join a support group. Life will not be the old normal again, but there will be a new normal and it can even be better than the old one...I think my new mormal is much better than the old one, but it has taken a bit of time to get  your head around it all and I'm not there yet. . I am not sure if it was you Colin was recommending that artilce to, but if not google doctor Peter Harvey article 3. and read it. He explains this part of the journey and made me feel Oh, so its normal and not just me then... worth a read.

    Anyway, a big hug to you and hang on in there

    Little Myx