Our Journey: The story so far

  • Our Journey: The story so far..part 4

    I've given a lot of detail in this blog and some of it may seem negative. This has never been my aim. I want to share our journey in the hopes that this can help others who have to face such challenges. So why add the negative detail over the PET CT scan? Was it to highlight inadequacies within the NHS? Absolutely not! it was made clear to us after we'd successfully escalated and overturned the decision which enabled…
  • Our Journey: The story so far..part 3

    Now my poor darling has to be brave and start this battle to defeat the tumours in his body! I know he will win! His strong will and determination will not allow failure! The word doesn't exist in his dictionary! Go darling go!! He had his first chemo that afternoon. It was a very emotional day, moreso for my brave husband who was the one who had to go through all this. His reaction to the news was mixed. At that time…
  • Our Journey: The story so far..part 2

    We left the hospital grounds and went for coffee at a nearby store. We talked things through (as we always do) and I said that I'd support him on whatever decision he made; whether he chose to challenge this or just accept this is how it was and to therefore go back and start his treatment. There were tears...lots of tears for both of us. I married a fighter! He rang the consultant and advised that he wouldn't be having…
  • Our journey: The story so far

    I've neglected the blog updates as there has been a lot going on so I'll try to make up for it with this update. Where to begin...when I last posted my husband had just had his PET CT scan and was due to start treatment. Things didn't go to plan!  We arrived at the hospital all geared up to start the first treatment, and the first step was to have a blood test. An hour later and the blood results were in and it was time…