You live and learn...and the trouble with needles...

1 minute read time.

I spoke too soon the other day about how great our fell walking was. It obviously didn't agree with poor John at all. He felt really sick by bed time, felt sick in the car the next day on the way to chemotherapy, fainted again when he got there and the canula went in, and came home grey, cold, and absolutely shattered. No more Wainwrights for us for a bit I think....

I'm getting a bit worried about John and this thing with needles. Not sure if i've mentioned it before but he has a bit of a thing, it used to be such a joke - john's not allowed to give blood anymore because he faints - ha ha! well it's definitely not funny any more. He fainted the first time we saw the consultant and he had to have blood tests, he fainted another time when they were putting the canula in and he looked down and saw blood, and again yesterday when they missed and had to do it again. It's a bit of a problem when he still has 16 more times to go for chemotherapy along with goodness knows how many blood tests along the way. The finishing line is nowhere near in sight yet. Today he starts 6 days of injecting himself at home. He is very nervous. I've said I'll do it but I'm away for a couple of days at the weekend so he thinks he should get used to it. I'm quite glad about this if truth be known, keep thinking about it and worrying about the amount of pressure you'd need to apply to the needle to get it straight in. Wracking my brains about nurses we might know - friends, friends of friends, neighbours...anyone who would just pop in and do it. Can't think of anyone....

  • FormerMember
    It's awful isn't it, I hate injecting Mark as I'm borderline phobic of needles. The actual injecting is not that bad truth be told but I suppose it depends on the type etc. I hope you both manage it and he starts feeling better soon xx
  • FormerMember

    He was alright Helen. He wouldn't let me do it so he did it himself and said it wasn't too bad. Thank goodness!