One down

1 minute read time.
John had his first chemo session yesterday. He was very anxious but it was probably the best appointment we've had. Aside from having to wait while the d part of his abvd was made and then delivered from the other side of the county, all went well. The nurses were lovely, the atmosphere was chilled and best of all he didn't suffer any ill effects. It feels good to be ticking them off. 1 down 11 to go. I just wish the bone bits didn't add an extra dimension of uncertainty and worry. It would be good if it was just chemo. Anyway at least he's on with it. Today he feels rubbish. He looks all puffy and says that things taste funny. He's hardly moved from the settee. I hope he picks up a bit tomorrow. It's the last day of term today. The kids have broken up for 6 weeks. I'm worried about juggling work and child care and john care over the hols. We had it all worked out but I'm not sure how he's going to manage on his weeks if he feels crappy, and I feel sorry for the kids, they've broken up all excited they don't realise how rubbish it's going to be. We've had golden happy lives till now, it saddens me so much how this illness will blight their childhoods.
  • FormerMember
    Don't worry about your children Hun. Kids are very resilient and will just accept the situation as it is. It will not be a blight on their childhood and whatever you manage to do through the school hols they will be happy with. Following my treatment I was really poorly, and I felt bad that I had to get my 12 year old daughter to almost look after me. She never moaned or complained, and I think she quite liked the responsibility of it. I hope John feels a bit better and the rest of the treatment dose'nt knock him out too much. Send you strength hunny xxx