Oh no...

1 minute read time.

Things are pretty much where they were when I last wrote. J is still suffering from fatigue and is also still hoarse. The fatigue can be ascribed to full time working again, stressful job, much driving, targets, nights away etc. The hoarseness is less easy to explain away.He says it doesn't bother him as he hasn't got a sore throat, but it bothers me a lot. Sometimes I can't bear to have conversations with him, I don't hear what he says, just the croak. The strange thing is that no-one else seems  to have noticed and I've wondered if I'm going mad and it's some sort of post traumatic stress thing.

However, it seems now, maybe not. Today he was particularly croaky and I suggested again that he might want to talk to the consultant about it because it might be something pressing on his voice box. And for once he agreed. It seems that he felt a lump to the left of his voice box the other day but scared himself and hadn't felt around again. He had another go with me there and it is still there....maybe not a lump he says but more at one side than the other. It is very near to where his scar is from his biopsy. This is very concerning because we know hodgkins usually comes back in the place where it started. On a brighter note it is tender to touch and i think remembering my elementary lymphoma training, that that can signify a swollen gland because of an infection....

oh hell, we'll see...

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear this, hope and pray it is nothing to worry about.

    I had a tumour in my neck, which was from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, around the same time as J. My neck has been sore recently near the biopsy scar and it feels "different" in that area to what it does in the same spot on the other side. My specialist was not concerned, she said the pain was post-surgical, probably as nerves were cut during surgery and are now healing.

    I also still experience fatigue, although I have an auto-immune disease also, so not sure how much is due to that. I'm working 3 full days per week and have anout 45 mins travel per day, but my employer is pressing me to work 4 days from next week, then come back full time in June.

    hope all goes well, keep us posted and take care x


  • FormerMember

    Thanks Sue, it's reassuring to hear that. Other people from his Hodgkins group have said the same about the tiredness, and he is now saying he can' t feel anything in his neck, so a glimmer of hope returns! He's rung his occupational health nurse today and they're putting him back on part days. He has also rung the consultant. His secretary is going to get him to call back so we'll see what he says.

    Good luck to you going back to four days. xxx s+j

  • FormerMember

    The consultant said tiredness was almost certainly caused by going back to work, and he's going to check J's thyroid at his next appointment - 7 weeks away!!! J has promised me he'll call again sooner if things get any worse. So that's that for now. It's back to juicing and superfoods for us i think...