In the danger zone

1 minute read time.

It's day 13 in John's last 21 day cycle of Beacopp. The end is in sight. But he's not there yet. Over the last few days he has been having the usual post chemo symptoms of sickness and tiredness.

He had a blood test yesterday to see if he is going to need another transfusion, and yes, his red blood count is down to 7.4.

The worrying thing is that everything else is down too. His neuts, part of his white blood count, are down at 0.5, the lowest they've ever been. This was such a cause of concern for his GP last night that she called to say she wanted him admitted to hospital as he is dangerously open to infection and sepsis. When J said he'd been feeling fine (and when she couldn't rouse anyone on heamatology at the hospital) she ageed to him stopping at home on the proviso that if he got any strange spots or got a temperature in the night he went straight up. So we got a friend on standby to drive and we spent a very strange, scary night watching and waiting. (Well, I did - luckily he managed to get some sleep -but not the good sort of sleep he needs).

It's 11am the next day now and J has already been back to the docs for more blood tests. They checked his oxygen and temperature and all is fine. So just waiting on the blood test results now. He is due to have a transfusion tomorrow but I don't know what will happen if the neuts havem't gone up. Feel very scared, not least because every child at the boys school this morning seemed to be coughing and spluttering and snotting everywhere. Hell fire! Just 8 days to go before his body should start to kick in and start making some of the good stuff itself. Come on John!  
