Equilibrium is restored and the usual chaos resumes...

1 minute read time.

J is at the hospital right now starting round 5 BEACOPP and round 6 in total chemo. AKA the FINAL one!!! Yippee!! A bit more on that later, but first just wanted to say that things here are better. Last week I lost the plot and was living proof that "God only gives you what you can handle" is a right load of old codswallop.

Anyway J has felt much better for the last four days and with that I've started to feel my shoulders relax a bit, and last night I even caught myself laughing like a drain. The difference a week can mkae is amazing.

So today he has gone for chemo and found that the usual chaos reigns in our hospital. Last cycle he went to the usual ward and found that it had been turned into a sleeping ward with beds. They'd moved the heamatology cancer day patients to an old unused corridor off ENT. Fine. Not fine really, but whatever. Anyway today he went to the ENT room, found a sign on door saying go to old ward. He went to old ward and got started with 2 old fellas who were sleeping in patients (fast asleep). Fine for J not so fine for the women day patients who arrived and weren't allowed in there. So they send the whole band of them down to ENT again (J hooked up). Nurse comes and refuses to do chemo in ENT as it's not suitable. So they moved them all to oncology and then J is getting moved again later in the day  back up to the ward. Really nice and relaxing for a bunch of patients who already feel disgustingly ill to have to walk miles round a stupid hospital whilst attached to their drugs. It really is a wild west crazy kind of place... 
