Curses and crises

1 minute read time.

I think last time I wrote I was predicting that my punishment for a nice weekend away would be all holy hell on my return. And indeed, while I didn't particularly have a nice weekend, things here are definitely NOT good. John now strongly resembles that Russian spy who got poisoned with polonium a few years back. He has got a sore back again and an upset stomach. He may be partly responsible for this having had late nights with his friends and takeaways both nights or it might be to do with his injections or maybe stress. He's having a horrible time because his beloved sister has been hospitalised this weekend with a severe mental health crisis. The whole thing is just horrific really. It's less than a year since J's dad died and now his poor mum is facing losing her son and her daughter. It's like we've been cursed. I'm definitely thinking why us? and looking enviously at all the people with normal lives. Where did it all go wrong?  

Anyway last day of injections today for J. He now has a week with just one tablet a day. Surely he will start to feel a bit better now? It's 2 cycles down anyway. 4 to go.

  • FormerMember


    I hope J starts feeling better soon from the treatment.  Has his sister got a good mental health team?  I used to work in mental health and know there can be some differences in care across county borders so I hope she's in good hands.  It all comes at once doesn't it and that makes it hard sometimes to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I won't come up with the usual cliches as I'd want to batter someone who said them to me, I really hope it settles down as much as is possible soon,

    Take care

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember


    Sorry to read that all those things have hit you guys all at once. Seems to be the way that you try to have a good time for a short while and end up paying the price afterwards ! Mimi is no where as ill as J at the moment, butt even an hour and a half at a BBQ on Sunday has left her wacked out. 

    I will just say I hope things improve ( as I don't want Helen to batter me! )

    Best wishes 


  • FormerMember
    Oh hun, I know how you feel when you say you look at others with their normal lives. I used to think just that when my world was crashing down around my ears. And it was one thing after another. I would look up to the heavens and say 'how much more do you think you can throw at me! Give me a break!!' Eventually things wil settle down. Someone told me all this was character building. My god, I must have the biggest character in Essex by now ;-) That little light at the end may just be a glimmer at the moment, but keep focusing on it. It will shine brighter with time. (I don't want Helen to batter me either!!). Take care hun, here is a bit of sparkle to cheer you up ✨✨✨ xxx
  • FormerMember

    Thanks all, you do make me smile. Gingercat I think that's it, he just doesn't realise yet how tired he gets and then he does too much and gets poorly. The good news is that is looking a lot better these last coupe of days.

    Helen, I haven't got a clue about the mental health team. She actually lives in your neck of the woods. But she's up here with her mum at the moment though as she hasn't been coping. She was released from hospital yesterday, we're a bit alarmed about this given how bad she was at the weekend. Just hoping there is some sort of follow on support x