Back to school, back to BEACOPP...

1 minute read time.

Oh well, that's it then, fun's over :-( J has just gone off with his friend for chemo round 3, the start of the half way point. He was saying that he was OK about it, but he was very restless in the night and quite pale when he set off so I would guess that he is a bit on edge. And I would guess that is mainly to do with the dreaded canula. I hope it goes in ok, I hope he doesn't faint, I hope he doesn't get horribly sick again, and I hope that this round goes like the last two with a reasonably smooth, non-infectious time ahead...

The boys are back to school tomorrow. Our school being probably the only one in the country to decide to tag an inset day on to the longest holiday history! No matter though, I've got the day off and we're going to use it for adventures, treats, and last minute panic PE kit buying!! I've been talking to the boys over the last few days about the things they've done in the holidays, and we've come up with quite a few good memories. There was no sign of the sea or a bucket and spade this summer, but we did have visits to Newcastle, York and Manchester. They went bowling, had days out with their friends, stayed with grandma and grandad for a week, and rode on an East Coast mainline train (their life's ambition - they're both train mad) so I don't think it was too bad really.

I've written a letter to the headmaster to send with them tomorrow. We decided that it was a good idea that the school knew about the situation so that a) they can give the boys extra support if they need it, b) so that they can try and keep germy kids away from them, and c) so that the headmaster might be inclined to authorise us having a couple of weeks off when all this is over. (Lately I have taken to googling "where's hot in February")

Right onwards and upwards, job one, dog walking...

  • FormerMember


    We get the back to school tomorrow too!  (two inset days together)  I have also booked a holiday for Feb half term as we're desparate for some sun.  Scan done today so we'll see what the results bring.

    I hope J doesn't suffer too much this time and really hope there's no fainting either.  We're going to Sharm as it might not be that nice but it's warm and the resort I've chosen is nice so we won't have to leave it. all inclusive too and not extortion for half term either,

    Hope you're ok too

    Helen xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh wow Helen, I have got everything crossed for the scan results. Please keep us in the loop xxx May well see you in Sharm! Me and the boys narrowed it down to there yesterday. Haven't told J yet though and we're not doing anything till we're a lot further down the line. Some sun would be wonderful....