A smidgen or normality

1 minute read time.

At last we've found the BEACOPP good days. Took a bit of doing but days 16-21 are where it's at! J doesn't feel sick or too tired, and has been full of the joys the last few days. In fact he took me and the boys away for the weekend to celebrate, and it was very good. We stayed in  a hotel, went to the football museum, went out for dinner and then went plane spotting the next day (all things the little fellas love to do) It was nice to have some fun for a change.

So all is tickety boo with us - or would be if a man hadn't collapsed and (I think) died in front of me and the boys yesterday. We were back in our town at a community parade and one of the band members went down right in the middle of Jerusalem. He was shirtless and being defibrillated by the time we managed to get away so the boys little eyes saw everything, and the smallest one had a bad night with nightmares last night. Poor kids, so much death and illness round us at the moment, it's really not right. When J's mum called me last weekend when we were at my mums to tell me that his sister had been taken into hosipital, my little guys' first thoughts were that daddy had died. Not good....

  • Oh, heck, if it ain't one, then it's another, eh? 

    Sending you and your family a gigantic hug xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Moomy. It's mad isn't it? I'm 41, my dad was in full health till I was 39, my aunty still is. And I never saw anyone collapse and stay down in front of me till yesterday. Why do my 10 and 7 year olds have to experience all this at their tender age?? Can only think that some good times are around the corner for them...xx

  • FormerMember
    Hi, thank goodness you've found some good days. I often think about what all of this is doing to our daughter. She's only 8 and so far seems to be taking it all in her stride but I do wonder what happens when that stops, I hope they can process what they saw and deal with it in some way, children always amaze me at how resilient they are generally but heart breaking when they think the call is about daddy Take care Helen xxx