So it all begins...................

Less than one minute read time.

Well things are really on the move now,Russell has his PET scan on tuesday and pre chemo checks on wednesday chemo starts within a week from then.

We will will find out within the week what the computer decideds his chemo drugs will be, has he's been accepted on the 'REAL 3' trial with a 50/50 chance of having Panitumumab.

The good news we had was that there has not been much change between his two CT scans,although they're still concerned about the lymph node in his neck,his staging at the mo is T3 N1 with M unknown at the moment.

We're anxious about the chemo but know this is the start of his fight ,it feels strange knowing he could be very ill as at the mo apart from tiredness he isn't too bad.

Good luck to anyone else in this situation thinking of you all...................................



Emma X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emma,

    Sounds like you both are in for a very busy week. I wish

    you both well and you are in my thoughts.

    All the very best and good luck. Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx