A bad day

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I'm trying so hard to be strong and use a bit of humour as in the previous blog but i'm in pieces as i write this i feel so alone at the moment,Russell moves out of his flat in two weeks so we've been sorting stuff out and cleaning to leave it as was.

We were going to do this any way but now our previous plans have been blown to pieces....... he starts chemo this friday so we're anxious about it.Went up to see my parents this morning polite conversation as the'd just come back from a great holiday which i'm so pleased they've had but i feel i'm protecting so many people from what we're going through,i don't want to burden them.

Thinking of all in this dreadful situation,sorry to sound negative Emma XX

  • FormerMember

    Never think you are alone on here. There are many who go trhough what you are suffering who are also alone. It is ok not to be humourous all the time and too post that here when you fell down.

    Don't worry in advance over the chemo, I have just finished my 8th and so far it has not been too bad although to be fair some people do have more problems. Any that Russell has post on here and people who have gone trhough the same will try to give helo and advice.

  • FormerMember

    Hi I am so sorry to hear your feeling so low but please dont feel you have to hide your feeling lots of people are stronger than other I am one of those who cry all the time and dont feel that strong but when the chips are down i just get on and do what i have to do even if it is through the tears ...I have had two 5 day 24he cycles of chemo and although it was a bit hard near the end you do get back on your feet getting stronger each day ..I am about to go into the Beatson in Glasgow for an over night chemo and to start my RT tomorrow my friend Brian who has been here to support me had to go back home for work reasons today so again have been teary most of the day ..but he is coming back about a week on wed/thurs to support me through which by then will be the hard part but what can you do but go on ...you have lots of support on here so please dont feel you have to hide your true feelings everyone is different and can cope better than others but we are all fighting the same enemy and will win the war ...

    Love and hugs

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Dear M.Dowding and Jan,

    Thankyou so much for your support i've had a rest and am feeling better.I feel that i'm maybe grieving for the loss of a certain future?? Russell and i are so so happy and we work so well together we're a team and i just feel so sad that our time together will be cut short one day.

    I'm not low all the time but since we found out on 25th March our lives have changed for ever,we're still doing what we planned got engaged on the 29th March and planning to get married soon something to look forward to.

    Like us all we deal with it and move on to the next stage,i know Russell is going to fight this and i'm right behind him  he feels guilty for putting me through this i feel bad when i get upset!! Bloody rollercoaster of emotions!!

    Good luck to you both with your chemo thinking of you both Big hugs

    Love From Emma XX

  • FormerMember

    Hello Emma

    i just wanted to say that you really are not alone we are all here in macland and will support you in any way we can.  I am newly diagnosed and our life changed in April for ever, i understand exactly what you mean and the emotions you are experiencing.

    Whatever happens you have to keep going you have to find that positivity from somewhere to fight this thing, it is the only way. Life goes on for everyone else around you and that bit is really hard because how can they ever understand what you are going through. Be strong for Russell and dont let this beat you.  You have each other and thats what matters. I am sending you all good wishes and remember you are not alone.

    Love & hugs

    Jules xx