Waiting for an eternity....

1 minute read time.

We are still awaiting the results of the CT scan. Meanwhile, M's temperature spiked again and as it was a Sunday evening, we were told to go immediately to A & E. Once again the anti-sepsis treatment was administered by very slow drip and I ended up going home and coming back again at 1am to pick M up. Since then, although no sepsis or specific infection was identified, M has felt really unwell. Fatigued and unable to eat much and in quite a degree of pain and discomfort. He is not well enough to attempt Chemo 8 and it has been postponed until next Monday but right now, he doesn't envisage being in a position to go through with it at all. The chances are, it will make him feel even worse and if the scan finds that the chemo has stopped working, then how can it be worth it? In the meantime, he desperately needs a plan of action for the dysphagia. We have been left to manage it as best we can, using fortisips and anything else we can find that will go down. Whilst we continue to wait in the dark.....

So I have phoned oncology and pretty well begged them to please speed up the scan results, so that we have something concrete with which to make a decision about next steps - before next Monday's chemo appointment. Surely some sort of urgency needs to be acknowledged in this particular situation? For some reason, we are really being tested here and I don't know why.
