The chemo seems to be working!

1 minute read time.

After Round 3 Mark had a scan to review progress but we didn't see the Oncologist and receive the results for 6 weeks!! By which time he is now already on Round 5. However, the results were worth waiting for because they are good! They show a 'partial response' to the 2nd line chemo treatment with some mets shrinking by more than 50%, after only 3 rounds. In other words, the chemo is working! I felt a surge of happiness and joy, having almost forgotten how that feels. Time for some celebrating and a few "whoop-whoops"!! And a few tears. They seem to accompany everything these days.

Unfortunately, the downside is that Mark has more recently been suffering from the dreaded dysphagia. Red flag! But only intermittently. One day he will find he can barely eat or drink, the next, he can manage a cooked breakfast! So, the oncologist suspected this might be a stent issue, rather than the tumour growing "because the scan results are too good". So an endoscopy has been ordered and M might possibly need a new stent to be fitted. At least they will be able to see what is going on and hopefully resolve the worst of the problem.

It is nearly a year since Mark was first diagnosed and given "months to live". We have been through SO much in the last 12 months but today has given us a real boost and the energy fo keep pushing forward. We have been given a 2nd chance and a reason to carry on hoping....

  • I am so glad I’ve read your post. We have just been given some news that we are finding hard to process. My perfectly healthy 60 year old mum, never sick, working full time until 3 weeks ago - was finding it hard to swallow, we’ve just been told the worst news, she got cancer of oesophagus and it’s in a few different places so they can’t operate remove tumour . I just can’t take it in, feels like bad dream.

  • We have not seen an oncologist as yet as she has been on the acute surgical ward so I am hoping next week will bring more information, as it feels like everything seems to stop for the weekend. I feel for her so much as it just seems everything is in limbo. It was lovely to find your blog, always need hope to keep going. I wish you and your family all the best xx

  • Hi Nicola, I'm glad you found my story helpful but very sorry you find yourself on this journey, which I have been travelling for a year now. Its an uphill road and there are no short-cuts but you do meet some lovely people on the way and my advice to you us to start building up a support group straight away. Please feel free to add me as a friend and private message me any time. Everyone reacts differently to this disease, but its always good to share (or vent) with someone who understands. You will be in shock right now. In disbelief but also unable to face up to what's ahead, cos you don't yet know exactly what you are facing. It is a bit of a waiting game, I'm afaid. Try and focus on the best outcome until you know otherwise. I hope you are able to visit your Mum in the Acute ward. She will need your calm reassurance and support. Sending you strength and hope.
