Moving on, up....

1 minute read time.

Just a quick update to say that Round 3, using the injections to boost the white blood cells, days 5-7, has gone by without a single emergency call and we have progressed on to Round 4. M is feeling strong and optimistic. Having the stent has been a life-saver, although it is not always plain sailing and he occasionally gets over-ambitious when he forgets it's there. Then it reminds him, rudely! Certain types of bread and meat are the main culprits and cold sausage is to be avoided, we learnt. Also, probably don't attempt breakfast (or anything) wearing collar and tie if you have a stent. Good thing open-necked shirts are the thing nowadays.

M is continuing to work 18 hours a week for Citizens Advice, on a flexible basis. It keeps him focused and gives a structure to the week. Plus it reminds him that he is not alone in having problems - there are plenty of other people out there with various struggles and difficulties to overcome. It's nice that he is often able to help, even if only in a small way - and sometimes he can make a real difference.

We have a new goalpost! Our son announced his engagement yesterday so there is a wedding on the horizon. One not to be missed! On we go.....
