un-comfy catheters.

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After 13 sessions of radiotherapy,the terrible burning started,couldnt put up with the pain any longer,so admitted to hospital,23 to 28 november, as i ended up collapsing as couldnt pass any wee at all,3 catheters later still quiet sore,had the catheter removed,discharched from hospital,go back to be measured for the radiotherapy,but nervous as to weather this problem of me not being able to wee will happen again,so ask for catheter to be put in before radiotherapy starts again,big mistake as dont think my bladder likes these rubber things going inside of me ,as pain starts up again,addmitted to hospital on 14th december yet again,given pain relife 15th catheter removed again ,feel much better,and that catheter must have made my wee tube bigger as weeing better than ever,only trouble now radiotherapy put back till christmas is over,let the bladder,have a good old rest,one good thing psa done monday and now down to1.5 much better than 121 in march when diagnoised.so roll on new year new start,hopefully get rid of this cancer for good ,heres hoping, 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Orange,

    No they are not the most comfortable things in the world. I was like you I couldnt pass the time of day so I had to get a catheter inserted, not very nice but did the job. Have had it done a few times since but it was fine. Hope you are o/k now and are able to enjoy Christmas.

    Take care and be safe Big HUgs Love Sarsfield.xx