things not so good

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hi everyone, not feeling so good today as peter is in pain with his knee ,not sure if the work he has been doing as done it or if its the C i know hes worrying i can see it in his face just had to put this and get it off my chest as he looks like an old man today hobbling around and thats not peter, love to all sorry for the moan ,jill

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear that Jill, I hope he is feeling a bit better now, maybe just a day of rest will help sort out his knee.  Its only natural he will be thinking all sorts, we all do it don't we.

    Take care

    Nic x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill, Sorry to hear Peter is not too well. Do you think maybe he has been overdoing it a bit?

    I know from my own experience that I wake up some days thinking I`ve conquered this disease and don`t feel as though I am day I wake up with aches and pains and feel dreadful!

    Has he taken any painkillers? This can usually help!

    Also have you been in touch with your local Hospice as they can and will do an awful lot to help you both through this terrible journey.

    I was advised by a McMillan Cancer nurse to contact my local hospiice and they have been absolutely marvellous in offering us support. They will send a nurse to visit Peter and you at home. They will give you advice as to what financial support you could get

    and they will contact you every week to give you help & support.

    After about 6 weeks of weekly visits they asked me if I`d like to attend the Hospice Day Centre on a Fri.

    They send a Car to pick me up and I spend the morning making Greetings Cards or Painting.

    We have a 3 course Lunch at 12 Noon and then sit and Chat with around 12 other Cancer patients and

    a driver takes me home at 3 p.m. It`s really a great day out and I look forward to it every Fri.

    People think when the word Hospice is mentioned that is the `last chance saloon`. Believe me It`s NOT!!!!!

    The staff and Volunteers are there to make you feel loved and welcome and do everything in their power

    to make sure that you do.

    They will also support you Jill as a Carer, for they recognise that your life has been seriously affected by Peter`s illness and they can offer you a load of help and advice.

    I do hope this is just a temporary `bleep` and Peter is

    feeling better by the time you get this.

    If I can help in any way ...Please do not hesitate to ask.

    Kindest regards to you both.

    Alex & Pat

  • FormerMember

    hi,nicnjc, thankyou for taking the time to comment on my blog you sound as though you have loads going on with your mum, i hope she is comfortable today , peter is feeling much better thanks again jill

  • FormerMember

    hi alex ,pat .how you both diddling today feeling much better today peter is and that makes me feel better thanks for your lovely message , take care have a good day love jill peter xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill,

    Glad to hear Peter is feeling better! It`s amazing what a difference a day makes! We all have our ups and downs.

    I`ve had a visit from the Hospice Home Visitor today and we have had a nice Chat. He`s a volunteer day visitor and calls to see me once a fortnight usually about 03 p.m.

    I look forward to his visit and it brighten`s up the day. My P.S.A. has now reduced to 89 which although still very high is better than 727 at diagnosis.

    Kind regards to you both

    Alex & Pat