starting the radio

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well even though i was diagnoised  with agressive prostate cancer and a gleason score of 9 a psa of 121. the consultant is giving me the benefit of the doubt having had 2ct scans and a bone scan and all come back clear,even though the consultant said i could have matastic diesese.that has not been picked up on the scans as it cant always be seen, and how on earth can my consultant see whats going on in my body,well hes not in there so he cant,so i am having this raditherapy done and hoping 2011 is going to be a better year, my last raditherapy is christmas eve,SO HERE GOES BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!!!! MERRY XMAS TO ONE AND ALL AND ALL YOUR LOVED ONES,IF ANYONE ELSE GETS THE CHANCE OF SOMETHING TO HELP CURE THEM THEN GO FOR IT LOVE ORANGE123XXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Orange,

    Thats the spirit if you get the chance go for it, you might not get a second chance. All the Best Good Luck. and  A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WHEN IT COMES.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx