What a week

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What a week

Cycle 5; Day 9. How quickly I have become accustomed to counting the days in this way. And what a week. Whilst I managed the dreaded Day 4 quite smugly, Day 5 was another matter. Monday woke me up, slapped me round the head and kicked me down the stairs for good measure!  My stomach spent the day masquerading as a washing machine on spin cycle and I was completely drained of energy simply putting the kettle on.

To be fair, by 4pm, and after an highly unusual afternoon nap, I felt much better and the rest of the week has been good.  Reasonably good energy allowing me to cope with some quite long days at work.

And now it's less than 2 weeks until my last chemo and in less than 3 weeks the worst of the side effects will be over. 
