So I didn't break a bone!

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So I didn't break a bone!

It wasn't what I expected when attending a work conference. We were doing a short after lunch energiser, which involved competing with other teams to gather as many balloons as we could. I'm bending down to pick up (ok steal from another team) a balloon and BAM, I am rugby tackled to the floor. Turns out a colleague was rather energetically chasing another, didn't notice me on the ground and literally ran into me, basically flattening me!

Slightly dizzy, I quickly realised I'd landed heavily on my wrist. Ice pack, bandage and “no thanks” to the thought of A&E, the pain and bruising eased over the next few days but there's a definite weakness.

Physio this week confirms it's not broken, most likely not fractured (as I'd have a constant throbbing) and I now have a few exercises to strengthen it but clearly the Zometa and Calcium are suitably balancing the Letrozole and I'm delighted not to have done any more damage.
