Paperwork Problems

1 minute read time.
Paperwork Problems

I know I am very fortunate to have my treatment funded by my company’s health insurance, but today it all went a little wrong. Somehow, between the oncologist, the healthcare at home provider and Axa, they failed to approve the next cycle in my treatment plan, which changes to just the protein antibody treatment by injection, despite the fact that this has been known since the start. Apparently they needed some paperwork from the oncologist that had not been sent in time.

I got a call at 5.15pm saying this, way too late for me to do anything about it and that tomorrow morning's treatment would have to be postponed.  Now, the problem is I had scheduled a work trip and weekend with my daughter from tomorrow evening for a week, so it's not as easy as shifting the treatment to Friday! I know that the delay is not a big deal from a medical point of view, so it's more about plans being changed that annoyed me. 

After an initial frustration, I realized once again I had to focus on what I could control, so I opted to delay by a week, so I still have a Thursday schedule. Then I went for a long walk to clear my head. 
