Our Amazing NHS

1 minute read time.
Our Amazing NHS

Saturday - Covid symptoms start to show, test negative.

Sunday - test positive, call 111 and advise them I am CEV and also not at home but at my daughter’s house.

Monday morning - hospital local to my daughter's house calls, checks a few details, decides I am eligible. Anti viral prescription ready in the afternoon.

Monday lunchtime - hospital local to my home calls, they've seen I reported a positive test and would I like anti-vitals. No thanks, someone else beat you to it!

Monday afternoon - feeling breathless, order Oximeter for same day delivery. Isn't online shopping wonderful! 

Monday evening - start twice daily course of Paxlovid. Annoying side effect of a very metallic taste in my mouth! 

Monday night - fever, shivery, sweating, woozy, high temperature that makes the thermometer bleep incessantly and the worst night of symptoms.

Tuesday morning - 2nd dose of Paxlovid. Feeling wiped out, slept till 3pm

Tuesday evening - 3rd dose of Paxlovid. Feeling almost normal.

It's totally amazing to me that we have the systems in place that when I registered a positive LFT result I was proactively approached within 24 hours by the NHS and with a few questions on a call I was able to start a 5 day course of anti viral meds to reduce my Covid symptoms. It's also fab that it didn't matter that I was 3 hours from home, I was able to access the same treatment just at a different hospital.  We are so very fortunate here in the UK to have the NHS.
