Hormone Treatment - how long???

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Hormone Treatment - how long???

Picked up my prescription today for my hormone treatment, Letrozole. The label on the box says it all really - one to be taken each day, for ten years until Sept 2031. TEN YEARS!!!!

In a weird and strange way, I am actually more worried about this than chemo. (I guess I can say that now that chemo is over……I may not have said that when the oncologist was scaring the living daylights out of me telling me about sepsis, but anyway.) Chemo was crap, but it had a short end date, this is basically forever! 

The list of side effects from Letrozole, and it's reputation, doesn't look great; hot flushes and aching joints seeming to be the main culprits. Can I really cope with that for 10 years?  Seems I got away lightly with the menopause as I had so few symptoms I didn't even realise I was post menopausal, and now this, menopause symptoms for the next 10 years.

So, feeling a bit odd today. Everyone thinks I should be celebrating and happy that the cancer has gone, but in my world the treatment continues.

  • Ew, that’s awkward, everyone expects you to be singing and dancing but that is a weird one. 
    I guess it’s another stage, but a long one! 
    Some people cope differently with side effects, you may have minima side effects? (I must point out -  I have no idea, not got to this “exciting” stage yet!)

    it is great news that it’s gone!! 

  • What can be said to these party people who are of the opinion - never having had cancer or been near anyone who has - who think we should be celebrating ? I know there was a brilliant thread on this alone, but what can be said to these people who we remember, as we sit here with burning throbbing rashy red boob, slathered in gunk and a cold mucky bra, saying "Well at least the radiotherapy doesn't affect the normal cells......" and "Did you take HRT ?" as you say you need hormone treatment (Letrozole) for 7 years minimum........

  • I totally empathise, I'm in your shadow following on some months behind you on the treatment schedule but recognise that this is such a long slog ahead and it gives no mental escape from the diagnosis with the daily tablet reminder. I hope work is going OK for you, don't push your body too much right now, if you need to reduce your hours/re-visit or request a phased return then do it, listen to your body, xx

  • Thanks, I am feeling good this week at work, less tired snd getting energy from being in the office with my team, but I know I can ease back if a I need to x

  • I have also been told to take this for 10yrs too. This is so worrying, alike a prison sentence I felt like. Let us know how it goes?