Halfway through Phesgo

1 minute read time.
Halfway through Phesgo

Truly it was a surprise today to realise this was cycle 12.  That's 6 chemo plus hormone, followed by 6 Phesgo injections, so I “only” have 6 more to go.  I think I have gotten so used to this routine every 3 weeks I stopped counting after chemo finished,

Phesgo is a subcutaneous injection of a gloopy combination of Herceptin and Pertuzumab that takes 6-7 mins to inject. I am fortunate to have Healthcare at Home, so the nurse visits me.  On time at 11am today, she checks temps and BP and then…..disaster……she has forgotten the needle for the injection. She searches her car, to no avail, and determines the only answer is for her to drive home (a 2 hour round trip) and back as she has clearly forgotten to put these in her bag.  Can't we pop down and see if my GP can help, I ask.  Oh no she says.

She leaves, I go back to work and the doorbell rings.  Her colleague suggests to try the GP.  Hmm, didn't I suggest that?  Anyway, off we go to the local surgery, where the very helpful receptionist comes up trumps. The 2 hour round trip is averted and my afternoon can continue as planned.

Round 13 in 3 weeks time, with an Echocardiogram in between! 
