First Annual Check Up

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First Annual Check Up

The examination with the breast surgeon took about 15 mins, the mammogram even less. Half an hour later a call, your mammogram is clear, and I exhaled the breath I hadn't realised I was holding. The annual check brings everything very much to mind again, and my lumpy bumpy lymphoedema boob means it's really quite difficult to judge the difference between something sinister and the swelling that seems to be insistent on staying with me.

I have come to realise the underlying anxiety never really goes away. You mask it, keep busy, put it to one side, but then you read something, hear of another person's diagnosis and that's the trigger, the fear creeps back in, like an annoying fly that buzzes around and doesn't go away.

But we are very lucky these days. Modern medicine means many many more of us have successful treatment or learn to live with cancer, or the threat of a return. Not so long ago we wouldn't have been so fortunate and I am thankful for that for sure. So it's back to normal for a while, until the next round of treatment and check up.

PS. My second thought, after the relief that all's ok health wise was a thankfulness that I don't have to reorganise the hectic travel schedule I have for work in the next few weeks Joy

  • I'm so pleased you have got the all clear as always a worrying time waiting for results. All the best to you for the future.


  • Congratulations just having my results Wendsday 9:11:22 but already know it’s all good NHL can only be controlled no cure I have lymphoma in my arm leg 1 bust that stays swollen but like you I am juPray glad to be alive we have 1 world Privilege & till last few years Covit I never realised how privileged we are and how much we take for granted all we do have , I’m 66 live alone hire private carersPrayhen I get I’ll yes gratefully the system gives me PIP to make this possible , I have family that helps & Fantastic friends , I have to have 2 more years of maintenance treatment I just think ok we wPrayl deal with it as it happens hope for no more chemo fog that has been a bit hard so tiered & brain not working but it’s now lifting I had last major chemo 30 August I have some hair & aiming for a DPraye Judy Dench style for now if it’s good enough for our greatest Actress it certainly ok for me , I try not to take life seriously but I am bored of shielding I got out to a hawking Center flew a owlPrayast summer wow that was Awsome & really had a profound effect on me , Glad you had good news yes I worry more when I hear friends or family I’ll me I am just going day by day as happy as I can ,PrayHeartChampagne glass

  • Turned out I had such good reaction I need no more Treatment just check up on bloods every 3 months I am lucky & so happy going on a Canal trip in a few weeks 3 girls in a boat , just my first mixinPraywith public then I buy new fold up wheelchair I can catch bus must wear mask sterelised hands ect a lot but I can see a great fun year , I just had laser treatment on 1 eye my cataract grew a extra Prayggy skin it was burnt of Hope no damage but I’m just going to live my life as best I can laugh , Happy  days to all PrayHeart