Bloody Brexit

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Bloody Brexit

No, it's ok, you are in the right blog!     So, someone told me that dark nail varnish was good for chemo patients as it gave better protection from UV light and would protect my nails.  I'm not a nail varnish person, so I started to hunt down UV nail varnish, come on, surely this must exist.

Finally found a wonderful website for cancer patients, lots of great colours etc. Filled my online basket, get to the check out, select UK option.  Hmm!   Start to read the small pint, well, it wasn't that small I just don't really do detail.   “I am sorry, since 1 January 2021 we no longer deliver to the UK due to Brexit”. What the hell????

I work in logistics, I really shouldn’t be surprised, but I am totally frustrated.   I found a workaround (don't ask) and would suggest to anyone out there looking for a business opportunity, there's a gap in the UK a market for cancer friendly nail varnish.

  • Love it, love how you just feel that moment. I would be frus sis bless her cannot send me liquid stuff and some home comforts from abroad ...this annoys me coz due to Brexit things have become more stringent as new rules kick in for freight! the color of nail varnish. I think it will brighten your day. I am also like u, when I feel a low mood I try to perk myself up and stop feeling sorry for myself. I hate going in the shower right now though for obvious reasons!!!