A day at work

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A day at work

It's been precisely 16 months since our work team physically met and so we decided that it felt reasonably safe to have a socially distant outdoor meeting this week.  Day 6 of my chemo cycle wasn't exactly ideal for this, but I was so excited we planned it out.

My worst days for nausea and tiredness are Days 4&5.This safe outdoor venue was 3,5hrs from home and the thought of spending my dodgy days bouncing in a Land Rover Defender filled me with dread. Travelling on Day 6 morning was out of the question. so I cooked up a cunning plan. We'd drive (hubby that is) on Saturday (Day 3, still ok)  to our daughter's and relax there for my “bad days” fit and ready for the team meeting.

The plan was going so well until our daughter came down with a stomach bug on Saturday evening. We hadn't actually seen her yet, so she was dispatched to her partner's until she was 48 hours clear of symptoms to protect “immunosuppressed mum” and we eventually saw her a few days later,

But back to the meeting…..on the one hand, it seemed like we'd seen each other only last week (and I guess we had on Zoom) but on the other hand, to be able to fully read body language, look around the room (well tent) andy have a real discussion, I hadn't realised just how much we’d missed that.

Oh, and I might admit that when I proudly told my Oncologist that I had cleared my diary for Day 5 (Monday) in anticipation of feeling rough, and her response was that she had hoped I was taking the week off, that perhaps I omitted to tell her that my important meeting on Tuesday was actually real live one Grinning
