Well, that was unexpectedly bad news

Less than one minute read time.

votes are in, and well its not good news.

cancer in liver,spread to lungs

treatment= no treatment.

life expectancy months if lucky

was told to expect him to go downhill within the next couple of weeks

My life is shattered, he is my dad, and he is dying

A part of me died today as well.

  • FormerMember

    Make the most of the time you have left together.I know it's hard to see past the harsh reality,but the love and support you are giving him through his hardest time he will ever face helps him to know he gives and receives love that will never fade or die.That he will be carried along in the hearts of loved ones and be part of their life .I am 40,I have 5 children,a son at 20,a daughter at 16 and triplets at 3.I have a terminal brain tumour,any treatment now is to buy time not to cure it.I'm devastated as I was always given hope before now and always assumed I was strong enough to beat it.My thoughts are with you and your family lots of love txxx

  • FormerMember

    Big Hugs.  it's awful to watch you dad suffer so much.  I really feel for you.  I agree spend every second with him, he needs you, you can't miss a minute now.  When it gets hold it is amazing how fast things progress, they won't be far wrong with their timescales.

    Thinking of you x

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry to hear what you are going through! Make every minute left count!! 

    My thoughts are with you x

  • FormerMember

    Try and make lots of memories with him take loads of photos and videos whilst you can it may help both you and your family it did for me when mum went now my granddaughter knows her it was mum's legacy so sad to hear of your heart breaking news my thoughts are with you and your family xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Splootle,

    I so know how you feel, my dad is battling cancer as well. your words are so telling - as you say,  he is "your dad". We never expected to be worrying about them, they always looked after us!

    I have taken on the "adult" role in relation to his treatment, and that has been fine, but thinking about how we would deal with a final prognosis is so very hard. I feel for you.

    I feel very strongly that all of us only have "today" and maybe we shouldn't try to think too far ahead. , Not only has my dad got bladder cancer but my only brother has terminal kidney cancer ( a rough year indeed!!).

    My brother is amazing, his diagnosis is far from good, but he has a philosophy which I love:-