Stop the roller coaster I want off

1 minute read time.

A brief outline, I have a grade 3, multifocal, triple neg breast cancer with lymphovascular and perineural invasion and I have had a right mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy with clear margins.

It was Christmas that I noticed the lump but decided to not tell anyone until after the New Year. Any way it is only a cyst. 

The day I boarded the roller coaster was the 26/2/13 when I was given the above infro when I was sitting in the consultants room listening to the histology report. He told us I had been lucky because there was only a tiny bit of cancer in one node and I wouldn't need any more surgery and  only a little bit of chemo. He thought it was unlikely to come back. This is from the consultant who never uses the word Cancer.  My hubby and I had been really worried between mastectomy and histology. When you are faced with your own mortality it is scary, I kept looking at my grandchildren thinking I may never see you grow up. I am usually a very positive person, cup half full.

We attended my oncology appointment was told I was in a high group for the cancer returning however if I had FEC-T chemo I would then be placed in a lower risk group. I asked if I could go on the holiday we had booked in Brixham before I start the chemo and was told I could go. His parting words were chemo is going to be tough. Little did I know how right he was.

I had my first chemo 10 weeks ago, please please stop this roller coaster NOW....I thought 5 days after 1st chemo.  
