Help and advice please!

1 minute read time.

My husband has advanced sarcoma cancer.  He is managing to work still, but is obviously finding that more and more difficult, but it is to his credit that he still carries on as though things were normal.

Last week he started new chemo No. 5, as the previous four had not helped stop the growth or spread of the tumour in his abdomen.

My difficulty is this:  whenever he has symptoms which could be attributed to the cancer, he goes into denial, and through his own diagnoses decides it is something entirely unrelated.  One good example (although there are others), he has a very large swelling in his groin - he has decided it is a hernia, as his late father had two and it is like other hernias friends have had.  When I urged him to see the Prof of at least the Macmillan nurse to have a look at it, he got incredibly cross, insinuating that I always look on the black side of things, and that his appointment in a week's time is soon enough to discuss it with the medical team.

I hope against hope that this new swelling is nothing sinister, but if he were a normally healthy man for his age, I would not be concerned, but he has cancer, and to eliminate any connection and act swiftly in case it is cancer related, it makes sense to me to get it looked at quickly.

This is not the only occasion he has done or said something like this, and although I truly do understand his concerns, and God knows what I would do in his place, it is getting harder and harder for me and our family to cope in the face of his denial and at times aggression.  I am getting tired and weepy, because we have both been told the team are running out of options to treat the cancer, but I am careful not to show emotions in front of him.  He on the other hand is almost resentful of my opinions, even though he seeks them, and I am getting to the point where I am chasing my tail trying to placate him but at the same time, make sure he is not ignoring what could be important symptoms.  

I am so tired, and I would greatly appreciate some advice.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Diamondsgirl,

    Your husband is lucky to have a wife who cares so much about his health and is foolish to ignore your advice, if only for marital peace!

    He may be right and his appointment next week may be soon enough, but perhaps a call to his oncologist to mention it may put everyone's mind at rest and if they need to examine him earlier to be certain then they will say so.

    We men are not good at visiting the doctor and I wish I had someone to push me.

    As for the swelling in the groin, if it is a hernia then you should be able to massage it back into place, whereas any other swelling should be investigated to find out what it is. If it is cancer related then it may indicate a change in treatment is needed.

    I don't envy you your task, but all power to you and I wish you every success; hubby should have it investigated to put your mind at rest. Sadly, I doubt my advice will carry much weight with him.

    Why not discuss it with the nurses at Macmillan; the number is:

    0808 808 0000 and it is open Mon - Fri from 9am to 8pm.

    They are very knowledgeable and very good listeners.

    Good luck,

    Colin xxx