
1 minute read time.

Sorry guys......internet still not working at home and school filter wont let me into chat anymore....only allowed as far as here.

Promises have been made by the internet provider that all should be sorted by the weekend,,,,hmmm lets wait and see eh?

Thanks to all who have sent texts and emails and rang to check up on means the world to me. 

It has been a hard couple of weeks....mum is still declining but is stable and enjoying the time she has.  My husband and I have decided to separate after 19 years of marriage. I have intitated the split and some people think I am over reacting to what is obviously a very stressful and emotional time but for me, the one thing I have taken out of this experience with mum is that life is for living and every single day counts - there is no time to waste on simply 'getting on with things' or 'putting up with things'

I want joy, laughter, happiness and hope and I believe that it is more likely that I can create this on my own (with my 4 kids; the cat; the dog and the goldfish).

Facing forward with a smile and a song :)

Hope to talk to you all soon

