Where's Ann

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I'm sitting in my garden which I have always loved and am trying to find who I am, where have I gone, I'm not the same anymore and I feel I cannot go on.  My cancer was in 2007,, I have painful arthritis which is made worse by the fact I can no longer take anti-inflammaries, my left arm looks like an elephant, my back/hips/knee hurts and I now have angina, for which I am taking copious amounts of medication - I feel like crap.  Where on earth am I, I have completely lost myself to illness and, today, I cannot fight to have some kind of fun with the restrictions that have become my world.  The lovely people on here live with cancer all the time and never cease to amaze me but I've had enough today, maybe tomorrow I'll feel less on the floor but right now where is the beauty I used to see in life itself.  Keep well everyone, you are all inspirational.  Ann x 

  • FormerMember

    Constant pain does bring you down and can be very depressing. I used to suffer severe flu-like pains all over my body for years that medication couldn't touch unless it was something that made me sleep constantly until I was referred to a homeopath by my GP. The medication she gave me was wonderful and my pain virtually disappeared.

    Have you ever been referred to a pain clinic? Or considered acupuncture? Apparently some physiotherapists are trained to do this, but I was told by my GP she couldn't actually refer me for this, but it would be up to the physio to offer this. Worth a try?

    I hope you're feeling so much better tomorrow or later today even. Have yourself a wee pampering day you deserve it and we will all send many loving, healing thoughts your way.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    My illness dated back to 2007, and although I am in remission I have long term health problems......back aches when I push myself too much, hearing loss, weight gain, persistent cough. I think we all tend to lose a bit of ourselves when we have long term illness, but i find the thing that has helped me most is that most friendships are stronger (and those that aren't weren't keeping) and we recognise the things that really matter. Also in a matter of weeks I have found new friends here that I can say things to that I don't feel able to any one else.

    Be kind to yourself, treat yourself to something that makes you feel good (It may be hogging the CD player to listen to some music, or the TV to watch a slushy film)

    Hang in there...BIG HUG xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann,

    Sorry you are so down, but we are all allowed a day off you know. Despite us displaying out best side on here, bright and bubbly, you cannot have Ca and not need to retreat to that dark lonly place at times.

    But thats when the site is at its best - we have all been there and understand, so just speak your mind and no guilt trips please.

    Love and Hugs mate, hope tomorrow is a better day for you xx

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    God bless you all - we're all in this together, maybe I need to accept who I am now. Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann

    Hope tomorrow is better for you.  It is wearing trying to be positive all the time.  I know I do it - especially for my elderly mum who doesn't know half of what I've been through.  However, everyone is a great support and there is always something positive in every day.

    All my good wishes.
