one day at a time.....

2 minute read time.

Happy New Year to all.  I am useless at this computer lark but often read about breast cancer ladies in the forum and really feel for you all - I too had breast cancer in left breast with axillary clearance - grade 3 and left breast mastectomy in 2007.  Unfortunately, I couldn't have my FEC as after one treatment had infection and fight for life.  Here I am though 2010 post radio., 1 year Herceptin and, still laughing at life - its all I can do.  I always say, if I'm still breathing, I'm still living.  No-one knows when the grim reaper is going to come, we're just more aware of his existence.  My friend's granddaughter died two weeks before this xmas - she was doing a cross country run one day before her 12 birthday, felt breathless afterwards, not well, then just died.  She had never had any problems with her health but autopsy showed heart disease which is genetic!  When my friend told me I didn't know what to say, I just put my arms around her - there are no words.  Life is so fragile, having cancer just makes us so much more aware of it.  So, what's to do, lie down and give up or party?  I chose party every time, every day, every minute.  Anyway, I have got so much from all the survivors on this site so thank you but I just push buttons and end up somewhere in space instead of actually making contact. 

I read indiechick's diary yesterday and today susiesoux - you are both inspirational and give so much to me just by writing about yourselves.  All we can do is take one day at a time - tomorrow belongs to no-one, only today (apart from the bills!!).  Does anyone out there suffer lots of joint pain - I've got lymphoedema in left arm, which affects my fused neck from spondylosis but lately have been getting constant lower back pain especially in bed.  I am on co-codamol every four hours, sometimes tramadol, sometimes diclofenac, but doctors seem to just give more meds.  My bone scan was okay so is joint pain something that we have to live with after radiotherapy and herceptin?  My treatment finished nearly a year ago now so I thought I should be getting more mobile but the pains are getting worse, especially behind my lower right rib and lower back. 

Sometimes, I think I'd rather have family sized glasses of wine instead of meds - at least it gets me on the music and puts a smile on my face.  Anyway, onwards and upwards to you all and I wish you strength and happiness every day.

  • FormerMember

    i am lucky in some ways.... my pains eased after my fec and are almost totally gone now..... we thought last christmas was going to be my last...... but my scan last month shows my lungs, kidneys and bones are still clear.... except for a little spot that hasnt grown for over a year.... liver mets are still stable too....

    you sound like me, indie, jools, and a lot of others on here ....fight the good fight ....enjoy every moment, squeeze in as many parties as possible, live long and prosper, (spock speak)

    good luck and good health to you and yours

    liz xoxox

  • FormerMember

    Have taken onboard your words about choosing to party . Its probably this new year lark but I have started to question what happens after treatment etc and to be honest it scares me. I am midway through done op & chemo now rt and herceptin. I will ask about joint pains when I go for my planning. I had them with the chemo but they have gone so hope not due to come back. I also have been told high risk of lymphodema .

    Hope you continue to party for a very long time.

    Maggs x

  • FormerMember

    hi again maggs,

    after chemo, rt is a walk in the park, and although unfortunately i am not suitable for herceptin, i believe its not as bad and has a brilliant success rate.... i try not to think about cancer except when i am getting treatment or hospital appointments, it makes me feel normal, an really at the end of the day ... thats all we all want isnt it?as for the lymphodema,, even though its 10 and a half years since my first surgery, i still sit with my arm resting on my head whenever possable.... i think it helps?

    all the very best of luck to you

    liz xx