life after treatment

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am feeling very sorry for myself today - have lymphodema in left arm after bc and ax clearance, no chemo, 1 yr herceptin

I should be feeling on top of world as treatment finished but have had 2 further infections in left arm which is now size of popye.  Feel like Napoleon as cannot get clothes on left arm which is also causing pain from cervical spondylosis in neck which was fused 11 years ago.  Keep wondering whether this could be start of secondary cancer as also having pains in back under right ribs and through to stomach occasionally.  Does fear ever go away?  How many times does a person have to pick themselves up only to be knocked down again - fed up completely as sitting in chair after being told to rest by breast care nurse.  Am looking at Jeremy Kyle and 4 walls wondering what it's all about.

  • FormerMember

    hi there dont fear you are not on your own, im 5 weeks post treatment and am sick to death of being in, im just starting to pick up in myself, my effects of treatment are still there, but i need to get out, same thing day in day out, watching all the morning tv jeremy included!  I can totally empathise with you and how ya feeling pity we dont all live near and hold our own coffee mornings!  I was just saying to my daughter the other day once you have the diagnosis of cancer it will never leave you wondering about every ache and pain will it, i just hope it gets put to the back of the mind in time otherwise we l become paranoid, im making myself drive round to my friends today whose just having chemo for the 4th time bless her, there are people worse off than us but it doesnt always help does it depending what mood we re in.

    Thinking of you



  • FormerMember

    Hi hun, can you not ring the breast care nurse and get her to drain your arm, I had lumpectomy and node clearance 7th oct and had to be drained and then had mastectomy 4th Nov and went back to the breast unit yesterday to have more flluid drained, it was instant relief and like you my arm was sticking right out but as soon as she drained it I could put it down again like normal, hope this is of some help.

    take care love Terri xxx