Not fair!

2 minute read time.

i don't have cancer myself and i'm not too sure how this is meant to help, but its just all so unfair!

cancer has spent the last 3 years taking away the people I love dearly. First it was my great aunt she had throat cancer, she deteriorated quickly but held out for her birthday and passed away the following day she was 84. Then a year and a half ago lung cancer got hold of my handsome grandad at aged 78 he was one day taken away from us without us even getting the chance to get use to him having cancer or the chance to say goodbye properly. I know people may think they were older they at least had a good life but they had so much life in them still before the cancer came and sucked it out of them. 

and now 2011 my nan aged 69 has been diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer which has spread to her bones. I am upset, for me yes but so much more for my nan and for my aunts, uncle and my mum who are still raw from losing their dad so recently, i miss my grandad too so so much, and i know if i was to lose my mum and dad i would fall to pieces. I worry for my nan because I know she is scared mainly at night when she lays in bed we try be positive and take her mind off things in my eyes she is way too young to die. I want to support my family and help them but I am afraid to bring it up as i don't want to upset people, we do talk about it don't get me wrong but i just wish i could do more. plus i seem to cry at any mention of it myself so don't think i will be much help.

my nan is still staying in good spirits during the day which is good she is back and forth at the hospital to have a rod put into her hip and is on pain relief etc i just wish there was something else we could do for her i'm finding it hard to believe that this is it and she has only one year to live

I'm sorry if this is depressing that is not my intention i feel i just need a way to get it all off my chest xXxX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lillylou

    I am so sorry to hear all of your sad news, please dont ever apologise for letting off steam here. I am sure everyone here at Macland will echo my sentiments.

    Stay positive hun I am sending you special thoughts and hugs

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    You're right, it isn't fair. And sometimes you need to moan to clear your head. And this is the right place to come to. The fact that you care so much about your family is probably helping loads.

    Be yourself, don't have regrets, and everytime you feel like this, come back on here for a well deserved moan.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lily,

    We all get depressed some way or other on this site but its a site full of hope the best friends you could ever wish to meet you will meet here. I so sorry you have had such a hard life in your Family with Cancer. But you are better getting all this sadness of your chest by talking. On here the friends you will meet are really great people not just Cancer sufferers but their incredible Carers. They will talk,listen and try and understand what you are going through. So dont be afraid to ask your questions. You are never alone on here. You will be suprised just how much you can help by just being here.  So Look after yourself and your Nan.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx