so that's all right then

Less than one minute read time.

Dad-in-law had his scan. It took J and his sister some considerable time to get d-i-l out of his house in a wheelchair and transport him to the hospital but it was done.

Big surprise: they couldn't find any trace of cancer in his abdomen (not counting the prostate cancer they knew was there)! So that's all right then. He's lost stones in weight and can't walk or support himself upright, doesn't eat, has panic attacks and pants a lot, but he apparently doesn't have pancreatic cancer. Maybe it was a gallstone which has now been passed into his bowel. That's today's latest theory.

He got a free chest xray today too (might as well when you're in the building) which was also clear, and his heart is nice and strong (for a 97 year old).

So what on earth IS wrong with him???

It's all very well ruling some things out, but he's not magically better and still not being treated with or for anything. It's all VERY mysterious.

But good news, I suppose. If it's correct.
