secret baby picture

Less than one minute read time.

 New baby Isaac or maybe Zach (to be confirmed). Born 11.9.12, 9lbs. Cuddles with proud grandad J. Not allowed to post pictures to facebook, so you haven't seen this. ok? x x x

  • FormerMember


    Awww how cute is this not so Little Big fella I bet,

    my first baby was an eye watering 9lb (ouch)

    If only I could  +_+  see him. 

    Congratulations to all hope he's behaving himself.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your lovely comments: hope the little invisible dude made you smile :)

    His mum had a rough time: 14 hours of excruciating back pain, with no epidural as that hospital doesn't do them (!!!), then a caesarean. The hospital LOST HER NOTES, which were NEVER found, dear God. She was 9 days overdue and had repeatedly voiced concerns about the size of her baby.(Her sister had a 9lb10oz boy 2 years ago at the same hospital, and they allowed her to have a 3rd degree tear which took a long, long time to heal...) After the 14 hours, they offered her a drip (for another 2 hours!) which might help speed things up, or end up in a c-section, or a c-section straight she went for the 2nd option, despite being semi-conscious. The right move!

    She has bipolar, severe lymphoedema in her right leg, inverted nipples...but is home and doing a magnificent job of breastfeeding this little boy. We are all immeasurably proud of her.

    So it's not just Hilary's hospital which f***s things up.

    BUT, it looks like a happy ending and THANK GOD for that.

    Big granny hugs to all of you x x x

  • FormerMember

    hoorah for happy endings :)

    Makes me sooooo glad to be where I am with hospitals that do above and beyond the call of duty.

    big hugs xxx