trying to get him to eat

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My brother just wont eat trying to get build up drink down wont work he just wont have them. I feel such a faliure the whole family is looking to me to keep him going they dont see the tears he sheds because his in pain the sleepless nights or the cleaning up i have to do when he has an accident in his sleep they see the good times when he does get up untill today when dad saw for himself how much his gone down hill its hard to get sense out of him sometimes he knows what he wants to say but there just seems to be a blockage from his brain to his mouth he then gets angry with me because i carnt understand what he wants. i dont know what to do for the best am falling apart inside but putting up a gd front. every 1 says am doing a great job but i dont think i am and i just want to go sit in a corner and rock and cry

  • FormerMember

    Andy we all know what a really fantastic job you have done supporting your brother - but you are not Superman so please do not beat yourself up.  Tell your family exactly what you have told us.  YOU need a break and a pair of arms around YOU.  It is not weakness or failure - it is a fact of life.  Ask for help - perhaps it is time a nurse came in and sat with him during the night so you can get some sleep.  You are absolutely exhausted emotionally and physically.  You may want to do this all alone - but no one can.

    Giving you a huge, huge hug xxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    have got him to eat this morning only a bowel of coco pops but its a start

  • FormerMember

    A great achievement xx