his eating

1 minute read time.

his now eating which is a bonus. but taking him out today every 1 saw how bad he is getting am putting on a brave face and shutters up 99% of ppl say am doing a fantastic job and that am so brave i dont see my self as brave am just doing what any 1 else would do for there family and the other 1% can go fourth and multiply am doing my best for him that i can they dont seem to understand that there is no magic medicene his going to get worse no matter how hard i try to keep him going he has to fight him self but he dosent want to his giving up and i know its hard to accept but i have to his in pain his struggling with every thing his fought for so long its his decission if his had enough am proud of him for fighting for this long all i can do is care for him and support him as best i can am no superman but i will be strong for as long as i can even tho i still want to sit in a corner and cry and rock

  • FormerMember

    Bless you HUGS, it is so hard watching someone you love in so much in pain, knowing that they are facing the end, it is very hard.  I agree with you as well, your are only doing what anyone who loves someone would do, and you would do it again tomorrow and every day forever to help and support your brother to the end of his journey.  He will be tired and so weak, and losing their appetite is a natural step as they near the end, his body is too tired to digest food and they have no desire.  Don't force him, but if he does fancy something, whatever it is I'm sure you'll get it for him.

    I feel for you so much, it's absolutely heartbreaking but the love and support you are showing him, being there and caring for him will be such a comfort to you.

    Take care xx