
1 minute read time.

26 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes and 2 seconds since my Mum was diagnosed with Carcinoma in situ Bladder Cancer. Now it just seems like time is flying past, I feel like I'm losing grip of myself whilst trying to be strong for my mum and my brother, I'm even tearing up just writing this and anyone who knows me would be shocked as I am not the teary eyed kind of guy. The specialists, oncologists, nurses and advisors are great and they do there best to show you the positives throughout this whole ordeal but I just feel like I'm being spoken at and not to if that makes sense? I find myself being short with everyone, especially my partner and all she is trying to do is be nothing but supportive, although there are sometimes she adds to my stress.

So right now, I'm doing my job and my mums job, attending all the appointments, doing the shopping and other errands, updating everyone on the progress. Take that for example, getting calls and messages from my mums friends that have just popped up out of nowhere. You cant even make it to my mums birthday but now all of a sudden your there should we need anything?!?!?!? Ok rant over, the point I'm getting at, is I'm doing all of this stuff for mum and its fine, because its the least I can do, but I don't think I have ever felt so useless in my entire life. I feel like I'm just moaning but Its really not the case because I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people that are in the same or similar situation.

I guess I will leave it here for now, I'm sure I will have plenty more to say in the coming months.

  • FormerMember

    I don't imagine for one minute that your Mum thinks that you are useless. In fact I bet she is so very proud that you are doing everything you are to maintain some normality in your family's lives.

    DaneJnr, I am so sorry to hear of your Mum's diagnosis, and it must have been a dreadful shock to you all. This is a good place to come and write it all down, and the fact that doing this is enabling you to release the emotions you normally keep under wraps, shows that it is helping you deal with it all.

    Being there for your family doesn't mean you cannot feel sad and angry that this has happened to you all. Letting your feelings show is not a lack of strength, or not being in control, it is being human, and acknowledging that someone you love is going through this.

    Lots of us on this site know that it is often harder for the carer, because you want to put it all right, but cannot. You can only be there to support, and ensure your Mum can concentrate on having her treatment and doing her best to get well again. It sounds to me as if you are doing a pretty good job too.

    Please keep coming back, and letting us know how things are. Have a rant, and get it all out of your system here. It will keep you sane, because this is an arduous journey, and we all need to let off steam at times.

    Love and hugs

    Chris xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chris,

    Words cant describe how touching it was to read your words. They were really encouraging and your right, it does help to vent. Although I feel I have the weight or the world on my shoulders just writing that blog made it feel a little bit lighter. It was also really inspiring to read your blog posts. Will definitely be back, I had no idea that typing your feelings would be such a great help.

  • FormerMember

    I understand exactly how you feel...I lost Mum in 2013 ,,,,honestly I think only now I have actually realised she is never coming back...and yes as yourself I am crying and feel totally heartbroken writing this...I am so glad I have found this site....only today....thank god...I feel as though I am going mad....and yes I too am still short with my husband who has been an absolute rock throughout....I was in total denial when mum told me that they had found a shadow on her lung....too late unfortunately...you can only be there for your mum, you are her shoulder to cry on, the one she will shout at etc etc..the list is endless but you will find a balance with her whilst she fights....you have to remain strong although inside you feel like screaming ..thank god for this site so you can scream here....loads of best wishes to both you and your mum...tell her you love her at every opportunity

  • FormerMember

    Hi Max,

    Thank you for those encouraging words. I have good days and bad days but I'm learning to deal with it all. I think the hardest thing is telling her I love her all the time because it makes me feel weak, like I'm accepting defeat. It also makes me think about the possibility of her not being here sooner rather than later but I guess that's just denial. Sorry to hear about your mum, I cant even begin to imagine how you must feel on a daily basis but I truly thank God for this website as it has helped me so much.