The C word

1 minute read time.

This probably will be a long post, but it’s a post that marks the start of the journey of the rest of our lives…

Mum was taken to hospital a little over a month ago after collapsing at home whilst I was at work, she was in hospital for over a week with suspected pneumonia. After a week her legs started to swell and she gained excruciating blisters on each leg. Suspecting that this was now a heart issue Mum was transferred to the Cardio Intensive Care unit at our local hospital.

An ultrasound showed that Mum had fluid on her lungs and around her heart which needed to be drained. Easy peasy right? Mum was taken to surgery on the Sunday lunch time to have a catheter inserted into her chest and the fluid removed. By the Sunday evening Mum was surrounded by nurses, a surgeon and a doctor giving her the news that they suspected the fluid was cancerous and she had cancer of the lung. Mum received this news alone due to the COVID19 pandemic and visiting not being allowed at the hospital.

Mum’s cancer was confirmed on the Tuesday, she was at home by the Thursday and we had a PET scan booked for the Monday. Deep down I knew something wasn’t right, I was just waiting for somebody to confirm it for me.

The following Tuesday (01/09/2020) we had an appointment with the lung specialist. Mum nicknamed him Doctor Death. He told us that Mum had Stage 4 lung cancer which had spread to her kidneys with a malignant pleural effusion. My heart sank, even though I’d gotten the news I’d been expecting for 3 weeks. We shed our tears at the hospital and made a promise that we would enjoy every last moment we had together.

So here I am, sharing our moments, stories, thoughts, everything. With everybody.

It’s not over ’til it’s over

  • FormerMember


    sorry to hear about your mum. My Dad had the same exact thing as your mum. Fluid with cancer cells in the lung. They drained it on two occasions but the fluid kept coming back then we had a drain fitted in...

    Dads story started off with 3 seasons of immunotherapy- 1 session of chemo which knocked him into intensive care last year July for a month (got an infection sepsis) then a trial drug which gave him horrible rashes then back to chemo... 

    We found out January 2019 which seemed like a tough battle, Wednesday 16th September 2020 we were told there was nothing more to do. We just have to make memories with them and keep strong for their sake... 

    I wish I had a happy ending story to share... but wherever there’s the “c” word there seems to be no happy ending.. once again I’m ever so sorry for you Mum... wishing you all the best. You’re still at the beginning of the journey! Stay strong !

  • FormerMember

    Hi there, 

    I'm sorry about your mum. It must be very difficult for your mum and the whole family. 

    My dad has recently been diagnosed with cancer as well. I have just moved to the UK and because of the pandemic, I can't go back home to support him very easily. 

    I know cancer exists and it's horrible. But when it actually impacts your life or your loved ones, it becomes so real and unbearable. I hope your mum's treatment is going well. I think the best thing we can wish for them is not to suffer in pain for a long period of time. People die anyway, sooner or later, I just wish nobody is suffering. 

    Sending you and your mum lots of hugs and kisses. Stay strong. xoxo

  • FormerMember

    hiya Hazels1,

    i am so sorry to hear about your mum. my dad was told that he had small cell (there was another part to his diagnosis, but i cannot remember what it was now).

    my youngest sister went to all of his hospital appointments with him on her own, which she didn't mind (myself, our middle sis and our brother all lived in different parts of the UK at the time of our dad's diagnosis). myself and my fiance moved back home last june.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, my mum starts chemo next week for small cell lung cancer, stage 4 which has spread to her kidneys and adrenal glands. Im not sure what to expect. Im scared for her and my dad. I live 150 miles away and feel so guilty I won't be here to look after her. Hope your journey is going OK and you are getting support you need xxx