non-hodgkin Lymphoma.

  • First round over and done.


    Had my 1st round of chemo yesterday no ill effects so far so was all fairly painless experience mainly just boring im going to get through alot of books in the next 6 months!

    now im off for an hour on the bike


    pete .

  • Chemo.


    Had a lovely nurse ring me yesterday to say my chemo has been brought forward to this Tuesday 7th so the waiting has been reduced thankfully!

    Now as the sun is shining im off for a cycle

    laters Pete.

  • whats going on?


    Every friend i seem to tell ive got cancer too seems to vanish off the face of the earth !!! am i scaring them to much or what ,ive just tried to be my usual straight talking self i might of well of not bothered.oh well at least the sun is shining will get out on my bike while im feeling up to it


    later pete.

  • Starting treatment


    I saw my consultant on monday to talk about my treatment which will start sept 10th so the waiting is over at least,had to have another bone marrow sample as previous one hadnt been enough so they wanted more! ouch didnt hurt quite as much as last one so perhaps im getting used to it not.

    so looking forward to my first treatment of R-CVP and to hopefully feeling abit better than i am now.


  • Waiting!!


    Seems all i do at minute is too wait for appointments next one on 23 august where they will finally decide how to treat me or not cant wait!

    mean while still trying to carry on with life as normal probly in denile,still doing cycle racing and training even though its becoming increasingly hard to maintain a decent level of fitness to compete.

    still havnt/cant bring myself to tell all my friends about my condition i…