The 5th Herceptin... or maybe not...

1 minute read time.

Muga scan results are in and it doesn’t look good.  Muga results are fine as long as they are within normal range and within a 20% drop of the baseline result.  So... what is a baseline result?  Well, I would have thought it would be the first result – mine was about 56%.  My second result, just before the Herceptin started, was about 74 or 78%... quite an increase!  My last result was 51%. So it is less than a 20% different from the first result but more than 20% different from the second result.  When I was told about the criteria I asked which set of results would be used as a baseline and the answer was ‘don’t know’. 

I was due to have my latest oncology appointment yesterday and my Herceptin today.  Neither has happened as I’m still snowed in!  I have just talked this through with the hospital and I’m going to attempt to dig the car out and get there as early as possible tomorrow in the hope of having a blood test, oncology appointment (and trying to convince them I’m ok), then get them to mix the Herceptin and finally, get the treatment.  I’m expecting to be there for a full day!

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Noj x

  • FormerMember


    having been on Herceptin for well over three years, I know what you mean, it is a long day but it is so worth it. Hope your treatment continues and goes well!

    Love and Peace

    Indie xx